Glassfish JSP Compilation Tuning for SPARC

From: <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 13:24:06 PDT

Good afternoon! I am looking for any and all information on how to tune glassfish to compile JSPs with multiple threads using SPARC CoolThreads architecture. Currently, we have the fork-true set in the configuration for glassfish, and noticed that each page access spawns a seperate thread to compile any JSPs needed for that page view. However, the goal/idea is to pre-compile the JSPs during the deploy using multiple threads. The product being deployed is liferay and the times that are being seen during the deploy are about 30-40 minutes until the deploy is finished (pre-compiling) or around 8 minutes before the first page load is complete (not pre-compiling @ deploy time)

A ticket has been opened with Sun on this, but I was wondering if there was any additional settings not found in the Glassfish v3 documentation regarding tuning.

I will note that once the process has been completed, the site runs with OK performance, but the times that are currently being seen prevent rapid development and testing of any changes that require a undeploy/redeploy of the liferay portal WAR.
[Message sent by forum member 'bd1308']