Re: Glassfish V3 + Standalone client lookup session bean JNDI

From: <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 09:34:23 PDT

Tim, that would be absolutely fantastic.

Unfortunately I have to say that RMI/IIOP as a client access method is by far not as well supported/documented as access through a web application. We migrated from JBoss to GFv2.1 a bit more than a year ago and overall we are very happy.

But the area of standalone java client access and on top of that from an OSGI-based Eclipse architecture has always been very difficult, because it's extremely hard to find any information other than posts from peers, who are also trying to proceed through trial and error. I am sure there are many other struggling developers out there like us.

It would a great help, if you could give us some Eclipse specific best practice examples for GFv3 including authentication (is ProgrammaticLogin really the best solution?) and size-optimization of required Jars, etc. These are all important matters when one tries to create a usable entreprise system. We would very happy to contribute to perhaps updating the EJB-FAQ with such a section.

- Andreas
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