Re: FileNotFoundException for lib dependency...

From: Steve <>
Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 01:17:43 -0400

This cleared up a lot for me regarding EE classloaders. It covers ee5,
but I suspect there may only be slight changes in ee6 (based on what
I'm experiencing).

I'm going to try to move my jar libs to the ear classloader...I
suspect (hope) this may resolve the issue.


On May 3, 2010, at 3:37 PM, "Stijn de Witt" <>

> I really don't know. I don't use Netbeans myself.
> My tip is just this: Don't bang your head trying to come up with the
> ideal solution. Just toss those jars wherever works and keep coding.
> Fixing it later will be relatively easy anyway. And ofcourse look
> into EJB simplified packaging. I am using it myself and it's very
> convenient to be able to just put those jars in the WEB-INF/lib
> directory and be done with it. However it could be that it's not
> suitable for your project because I think not all features of full
> ears are supported.
> Basically you are being bitten by one of the least understood parts
> of Java EE, packaging and dependency management / class loading. And
> you may include me in the list of people that don't really
> understand it. :)
> -Stijn
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Martin Gainty
> To: Users
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 9:24 PM
> Subject: RE: FileNotFoundException for lib dependency...
> hopefully when you will be implement this solution into production
> the build engineer will convert whatever you have to
> 1)ant build.xml
> 2)maven pom.xml
> the double lib is weird i would first look at .classpath file for
> any possible <in>correct located library entries e.g.
> <classpathentry kind="lib" path="$AXIS2_HOME/lib/xmlsec-1.4.1.jar"/>
> Stijn?
> Martin Gainty
> ______________________________________________
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> From:
> Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 15:02:02 -0400
> To:
> Subject: Re: FileNotFoundException for lib dependency...
> Thanks Stijn and Martin,
> Not having the ability to efficiently nest jars is a bit limiting,
> but certainly something I can get around through the build/
> deployment process. This leaves two questions:
> 1) Why doesn't Netbeans inform me of this during a build? I assume
> you don't want to error a build, in the event you're using an
> alternate ClassLoader (as you indicated)...but a warning such as
> "One of your dependencies has a non-satisfied dependency in the
> project, you doof" would be nice.
> 2) Why does GlassFish want the libs of these dependencies in
> <APP_ROOT>/lib/lib rather than <APP_ROOT>/lib? When I add those
> dependencies to the .ear directly (I tried this during my testing),
> it puts them in <APP_ROOT>/lib, so I still get the error.
> Flattening these libs causes code redundancy unless I do some build
> magic with the build/continuous integration. If that's the answer,
> that's fine...but I would think it would be something many people
> need/want to do and therefore a lot easier to accomplish. Anybody's
> experience in achieving a "clean"/complex build like this, I would
> be interested in learning your approach.
> Martin, your explanation certainly helps me understand both what I
> am seeing as well as what Stijn explained - thank you.
> I can't package everything in a war, in this instance, because I
> need MDB's as well. I took them out of the sample for simplification.
> Thanks,
> Steve
> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 2:47 PM, Martin Gainty <>
> wrote:
> the <WebArchive/ApplicationArchive> classloader sees only the jars/
> classes at that level e.g. the uber-Application Classloader sees all
> jars/ears/rars at $GF_HOME e.g.
> $GF_HOME\imq\lib
> $GF_HOME\lib\install\applications
> any package with a war extension would automatically implement the
> WebApplication ClassLoader e.g.
> $GF_HOME\imq\lib\*.war
> tlds are (supposed to be) located at META-INF folder of the
> WebAppName e.g.
> $GF_HOME\lib\install\applications\WebAppName\WebAppName_war\WEB-INF
> \lib\web-ui\META-INF
> does this answer your question?
> Martin Gainty
> ______________________________________________
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> lité pour le contenu fourni.
> From:
> Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 13:35:30 -0400
> To:
> Subject: FileNotFoundException for lib dependency...
> Hello all,
> I have a similar problem I have read about on this mailing list,
> however, I have upgraded to the latest GlassFish (which resolved the
> first issue) and a new (but seemingly related) issue has come up.
> When I attempt to deploy my .ear, which contains .jar libraries with
> their own dependencies, I get two FileNotFoundExceptions (attached:
> fileNotFoundExceptions.txt). Each of the Exceptions are a result of
> "nested" dependencies, and not from the first-level. By this I mean:
> centralizedLogger.ear
> |__ centralizedLogger.jar (my EJB)
> | |__ configuration.jar (deploys fine - this was fixed recently)
> | | |__ get_dev-common (exception)
> | | |__ javax.persistence.jar (exception - needed because I
> have Entity classes in configuration.jar)
> | |__ logger.jar
> | | |_ javax.persistence.jar (exception - again, have
> Entity classes in logger.jar)
> | |__ persistence.xml (for both the configuration.jar and
> logger.jar Entities)
> |__ centralizedLogger.war (nothing significant)
> The persistence.xml is working - I can see the Entities being
> "transformed" and my tables being created from the DDL annotations
> (as I requested in the persistence.xml file). My SLSB's deploy and
> my application-scoped Singleton SLSB starts up. Then, I get the lib
> file dependency problem looking for the libraries in C:/glassfishv3/
> glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/centralizedLogger/lib/lib/
> get_dev-common.jar (forgive me, I am forced to work on a Windows box
> at work).
> The javax.persistence.jar file I am referencing is referenced from
> each project from the C:/glassfishv3/glassfish/modules/ directory.
> Shouldn't the class loader already see this and not need it again?
> The deployment is "successful", as they were just warnings, and
> GlassFish sets up the standard file system structure under my
> domain. The application seems to work fully, as well (LogEvents are
> being persisted, all SLSB's deploy and are operational...). If I
> manually place the jars in the "expected" place (lib/lib), restart
> the server, no more complaints.
> Obviously, I can just add the libraries to passify the validating
> checking...but seems like there is something wrong (especially since
> everything is working dispite the warnings during "TLD scanning".
> Thanks,
> Steve
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