Temporary WAR in /var/tmp

From: <>
Date: Mon, 03 May 2010 20:45:23 PDT


Please forgive me if this is something answered in an FAQ somewhere. I've searched high and low through forums and documentation without finding an answer but the nature of the problem lends me to believe this must be something that others have come across before.

Trialling the following environment:

Glassfish 2.1 using java version "1.6.0_11" installed as native (non-packaged) on Solaris 10/SPARC (127111-06)


No problem with deploying or running applications at all but noticed that everytime one deploys a WAR using the web administration GUI (formed based file upload, jsp precomp ON, verify OFF), one ends up with a orphan war file in /var/tmp


-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 4644512 Apr 15 20:20 /var/tmp/appname-4694529443751161778.war

Slowly but surely these fill /var/tmp and the /var filesystem, without ever being removed by anything. As far as I can tell.

They all survive over restarts of the app server instance. I've got some here in /var/tmp that are five months old even though the app server was restarted two weeks ago. It doesn't break a redeployment of the same app, or cause any other problems apart from slowly fills up /var/tmp. Each deployment set is about 120Mb so you can see it chews usable space quickly.

I assume that these are just the temporary files that are created when using the web admin GUI to upload the apps (i.e. the destination for the HTTP upload which is then deployed to the app server) but, my questions are:

(1) Would I be correct in my assumption?
(2) If so, why aren't they being deleted after the app is successfully deployed or the app server restarted? Should they be? Is something broken?
(3) If not, Do I need to tweak some config to make this happen?
(4) And finally, if there's no way to control this behaviour at all, can I just make an assumption about old WAR files in /var/tmp and script up something to remove said old ones on a semi-regular basis?

The closest match to this I could find in the forums is:

Which seems to suggest that the files should be removed on restart of the app server.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

[Message sent by forum member 'dcannell01']