Re: GF asadmin get-client-stubs

From: <>
Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 14:07:17 PDT

"Did not."

Ideally, developers of app clients would have followed the normal Java SE rules for dependencies among JARs (as described in the Java EE spec) and would have added a reference from the app client JAR's Class-Path to EJB module JAR(s) if the client depended on any. Apparently developers did not do this - or did not want to do this - so the EJB module JARs were included in the generated client JAR and added dynamically to the app client's class path as a convenience.

Yes, it would be nice if GlassFish optimized the contents of the generated JAR so as to exclude such content if the EAR contained no clients. Unfortunately, it doesn't.

- Tim
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