Glassfish skips request processing for short moments

From: <>
Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 07:41:00 PDT

We have a Glassfish 2.1.1 running on Java 1.6 u19 64 bit on CentOS 5.4.
Several times a day we experience following issue: the request is sent to server but no response is received. This continues usually for no more than 2 minutes, then everything works as usual.

I've used Wireshark sniffer on the client side to check what is sent on the network: after the connection is established, request headers are sent, then after connection timeout on client hits, connection is gracefully closed.

Also I've monitored server with VisualVM during these times and it showed that request threads were idling at that moment.

This happens even when static content (i.e. index.html) is requested.

I've made a script that requests index.html twice a minute and creates a JVM stack dump with jstack if request fails. One of these dumps is attached.

If anyone have ideas on what's causing it, please tell me.
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