Converting LDAP from Tomcat to Glassfish

From: <>
Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 19:24:58 PDT

 I have a simple web-app that is developed in Netbeans(6.8) and works fine in Tomcat(6) using LDAP(Active Directory).

I need to convert this to an EE (JSF2), so I am moving from Tomcat to GlassFish(v3).

I have changed the web files to xhtml and configured the xml files. However, I cannot get the GlassFish LDAP configuration to authenticate.

I am attaching my old web.xml and server.xml (from Tomcat) snippets and the portions of the new web.xml, sun-web.xml, and the GlassFish configuration.

If anyone can help me figure out where I am missing the piece that will allow a user to be authenticated, I would appreciate it. (btw, I am not using roles, just authenticating against the LDAP db is good enought.)

As it is right now, my app will prompt me to enter a user when I try to access a file in the 'protected' area and the GlassFish server throws an exception when it fails to authenticate. Because it works under Tomcat, I know I have the right information, I just don't know how to format it to get GlassFish to pass it along.


- Tomcat server.xml:
[code] <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm"
             connectionName="cn=xxxxxxxx,ou=Administrators,ou=Information Technology,ou=ITTS,ou=Administrative,ou=xxx,dc=xxxxxx,dc=xxx"
- web.xml:
[code] <security-constraint>
      <web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>
      <description>Authentication Required</description>


    <realm-name>Please enter your user name and password:</realm-name>

(I enabled the Security Manager on the Security panel, set the Default Realm to 'LDAPRealm', and added "-Djava.naming.referral=follow" JVM options.)
- domain.xml:
[code] <auth-realm name="certificate" classname="" />
        <auth-realm classname="" name="LdapRealm">
          <property description="()" name="search-bind-password" value="xxxxxxxx" />
          <property description="()" name="search-bind-dn" value="cn=xxxxxxxx,ou=Administrators,ou=Information Technology,ou=ITTS,ou=Administrative,ou=xxx,dc=xxxxxx,dc=xxx" />
          <property name="jaas-context" value="ldapRealm" />
          <property name="base-dn" value="ou=xxx,dc=xxxxxx,dc=xxx" />
          <property name="directory" value="ldap://" />
          <property name="search-filter" value="(&amp;(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))" />
[code] <security-constraint>




- sun-web.xml:
[code] <security-role-mapping>

Here is the exception that it throws:
[code]SEVERE: SEC1113: Exception in LdapRealm when trying to authenticate user. User yyyyyyy not found.
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