Re: About Glassfish Tools Bundle

From: Ludovic Champenois <>
Date: Sun, 02 May 2010 17:44:32 -0700

On 5/2/10 5:18 PM, wrote:
> Hello all!
> I used to work with Glassfish in my Windows XP, now I moved to a iMac and started using Glassfish Tools Bundle and I'm missing some things I had when I used a plain Glassfish (without eclipse tools).
> Where can I find "asadmin" and "asant"?
GlassFish is there in the Tools Bundle, but inside the Application
directory itsef. Go to the Applications folder, select the node
"GlassFish-Tools-Bundle-For-Eclipse-1.2" and use the popup menu "Show
Package Content". A new Explorer will show up with the
Content/MacOS/glassfishv3 directory of the server.
Or in a terminal, use:


The default bundled domain is in the Eclipse workspace under the
.plugins/com.sun.enterprise.jst.server.sunappsrv92/domain1 directory.
> It seems they're no longer there. And the same goes for ij (the derby client), do I have it there? Will I have to download another version without Eclipse Tools Bundle to have all of it?
> Thank you very much!
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