Transition from Glassfish 2.2.1 to v3

From: <>
Date: Thu, 06 May 2010 18:01:24 PDT

Ran across a bizarre problem! We had a web application that we had developed under JDK 5 and it ran perfectly with Glassfish 2.2.1 under WIndows XP. When we deployed it under Glassfish v3, JDK 6, and WIndows Vista, clients could no longer communicate with it, althought we saw no exceptions in the logs.

The really odd thing is that it appeared that every time the web service was accessed, it was running under a different instance of the server (a guess). The reason I say this is that a non-static variable in the class no longer incremented as it once had. However, when we made it a static variable, it did increment. Weird!

Has anyone seen anything like this before?

Thanks, Alan
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