Re: JDBCRealm from Swing GUI

From: <>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 04:23:42 PDT


It is already working from ACC, but not from standalone client.
I have two question:
1st is what can I do in standalone client?
2nd is what can I use instead "" if I want a silent login without a LoginDialog.

Description and example are attached.

Thanks, Attila.

Create Tables:
create table usertable (
        username varchar(128) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT USER_PK PRIMARY KEY ,
        password varchar(128) NOT NULL

create table grouptable(
        username varchar(128) NOT NULL,
        groupname varchar(128) NOT NULL,
        CONSTRAINT GROUP_PK PRIMARY KEY(username, groupname),
        CONSTRAINT USER_FK FOREIGN KEY(username) REFERENCES usertable(username)

and populate:
insert into usertable(username,password) values ('programmer', 'hello');
insert into grouptable(username,groupname) values ('programmer', 'developers');
insert into grouptable(username,groupname) values ('guest', 'guests');

make sure your database is up and running, compare properties to other loaded connection pools..

Create Connection Pools:
In the Glassfish admin panel:
Resources->JDBC->Connection Pools, select 'new'
Pool Name: authPool

Create JDBC Resource:
In the Glassfish admin panel:
Resources->JDBC->JDBC resources, select 'new'
JNDI Name: jdbc/auth
Pool Name: authPool

Create JDBCRealm:
In the Glassfish admin panel:
Configuration->Security->Realm, select 'new'
Name: helloRealm
Class Name:

JAAS Context: jdbcRealm
JNDI: jdbc/security
User Table: usertable
User Name Column: username
Password Column: password
Group Table: grouptable
Group Name Column: groupname
Digest Algorithm: none




helloRealm { required debug=false;

  System.setProperty("", "META-INF/login.config");
  StatelessJavaClientPassiveCallbackHandler ch = new StatelessJavaClientPassiveCallbackHandler("programmer", "hello");
  try {
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
    LoginContext lc = new LoginContext("helloRealm",ch);

  Open project HelloApp
  Clean and Build

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