JPA : Trouble with a ManyToMany

From: <>
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 02:48:43 PDT

Hi everyone !

I got a problem with a ManyToMany relationship :

Acteur * ------------ * CD

[u]In my class Acteur :[/u]

public class Acteur extends Personne{

    @JoinTable(name = "CD_ACTEUR", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "acteur_fk", columnDefinition="BIGINT", referencedColumnName="ID"), inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "cd_fk", columnDefinition="BIGINT", referencedColumnName="ID"))
    private List<CD> CDs;

[u]In my class CD :[/u]

public class CD {
    private List <Acteur> acteurs;

So a association table is created : CD_ACTEUR (specified in the class Acteur)

But when i persist a object Acteur (which have no CD) and after an object CD (which have the Acteur previously created) there is a problem !
Every attributes are well stored in the 2 tables CD and ACTEUR but the table CD_ACTEUR is always empty !
Normally it has to be filled with the 2 primaries key ??
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