jruby.jar in felix - can't find Enumerator lib

From: Robert Weeks <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 07:09:03 -0700

Hello -

I have been trying to get a component working in Glassfish for a bit and am hitting some walls. We are able to get this to run utilizing a MDB to sparc off the process, but I would rather get this in as an OSGi component.

When we add the jruby.jar file (from jruby 1.4) to the osgi space - it resolves fine - but anytime we try to run anything against it we get exceptions such as:

org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: library 'enumerator' could not be loaded: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jruby.libraries.EnumeratorLibrary

This is using jruby.jar and jruby-complete.jar.

I have tried to use this with the jruby-1.5 dev jars as well - but haven't gotten much farther.

Has anyone else had these issues with trying to get jruby scripts to play in osgi correctly?


Robert B. Weeks