Re: How to PHP enable your Glassfish Application Server

From: <>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 09:07:35 PDT

Hi Dominik - thanks for that! I've updated the post with your comments.
My aim was to keep it simple and easily scripted for a headless server.

I wasn't even aware there was a quercus-4.0.6 as it doesn't seem to be in the downloads section of their site

I requested a reboot at the end of the setup partly out of ignorance and partly out of ingrained processes. I'm not entirely sure when default-web.xml is read so I figured a nice clean reboot would be the simplest way to fully refresh the configuration.

"you should probably also point to the variables/functions quercus is using to give access to the java servlets."
- unfortunately my experience with quercus is too limited at this stage to give a more in depth explanation of how it works. I'm only new to quercus but found these steps produced a nice setup.

"I'm wondering: As you are registering the quercus servlet in the default-web.xml file... is the servlet loaded for each webapp separately or once for all the webapps?"
- good question, again I'm not sure. I guess the best way to test this would be to log when the servlet is initiated. Without editing the wars are you aware what logging quercus provides?

"also, somehow a background image or something like that is missing in your blog, making it really hard to read the text on the grey background."
- good to know. This theme described itself and elegant! This is my first time working with Wordpress so I'm playing with the themes and plugins to produce a simple effective blog. I've a whole load of little tutorials I wrote for myself to simplify working with open-source products and I figured it was about time to share them with the world. This way I can see where I've been going wrong and help others learn from my mistakes :o)

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