Re: CDI _at_PersistenceContext not working when DAO/Bean in own Jar (GFv3)

From: Witold Szczerba <>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 20:54:37 +0200

2010/4/30 Dominik Dorn <>:
> Hi,
> I've created a small servlet/jax-rs service and tried to inject my
> dao's which where in another jar. Injecting of the DAOs worked,
> however their EntityManager ( annotated through
> @PersistenceContext("nameOfThePU") )
> was not injected.
> When I copied the DAOs to the same project, the injection works
> without a problem.
> I think thats a bug... anyone else experienced this behavior?
> kind regards,
> dominik
> --
> Dominik Dorn

Few weeks ago, here was a topic:

Does it cover your case?

Witold Szczerba