How to set maxPostSize using asadmin

From: <>
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 03:05:34 PDT


we have to set the property maxPostSize using dotted name syntax, but I do not find any solution how to do this.

Worked through the documentation I came to the following:
        maxPostSize a Poperty of http-listener -> http-listener-1 and http-listener-2
        http-lister-1 und http-listener-2 are standard HTTP listeners (http and https)

        Superelement of http-listener is http-service
        Superelement of http-service is http-service ist config

        Superelement of config is configs

        Superelement of configs is domain


This path is the same like in the domain.xml when the property is configured by using admin console.

I tried to set the property:
        asadmin>set domain.configs.config.http-service.http-listener-1.maxPostSize=0
But I got as result a

So I tried to find the right Element with the asadmin list command:

        asadmin>set default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.maxPostSize=0

        asadmin>set server-config.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.maxPostSize=0
        asadmin>set server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.maxPostSize=0

all three commands were not successfully, result was a AttributeNotFoundException.

Walking through the forum I found;jsessionid=0754DD441092B67521CFC1639D54DA94?messageID=237227&#237227
pretty old but here was mentioned to set the post size as property of the http-service-element.

I tried the following:
        asadmin>set default-config.http-service.maxPostSize=0

        asadmin>set server-config.http-service.maxPostSize=0

        asadmin>set server.http-service.maxPostSize=0

        asadmin>set domain.configs.config.http-service.maxPostSize=0

I got for all of the commands an InstanceNotFoundException.

Is it not possible to set the maxPostSize property using asadmin?
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