Re: Glassfish v3 build failed

From: xuqingkang2 <>
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 12:35:43 +0800 (CST)

Hi Jane
  Thank you for your help,The download had been executed,but it failed when try to create domain1,because port 8080 can't be used again. it maybe port conflict. Build had been completed after i changed the --instanceport's value to 8081 in "create-domain" target of v3/distributions/distributions.xml.
  But I doubt that why can not use the 8080.
  At present,In my PC,tomcat-6.0.14,jboss-4.2.2.GA and glassfish-v2ur2 are installed. I had changed tomcat's http port to 8088.before install GlassfishV3,usually,I Only start one of the three same time,and there is nothing error when i use the started one.
 Now,I try to install the glassfish v3 on the premise that tomcat-6.0.14,jboss-4.2.2.GA and glassfish-v2ur2 are stopped.

qingkang xu

在2009-12-18,"Jane Young" <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM> 写道:
>Hi XuqingKang2,
>You shouldn't have to manually download the artifact. I've seen similar
>issues on our Hudson build. I think it's related to Nexus. I've cleaned
>up some files on the Nexus system. Can you try building again?
>xuqingkang2 wrote:
>> Snjezana:
>> Thank you very much,I deleted the ~\.m2\repository\commons-collections
>> directory,and retried.
>> a new problem appeared, maven can't get javadb's
>> from
>> I tried to download it directly, it failed also. download halted at 99%...
>> Can you tell me another web site from which can get
>> used in build of glassfish v3).
>> Thank you in advance.
>> 在2009-12-16,"Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic" <Snjezana.Sevo-Zenzerovic_at_Sun.COM> 写道:
>> >It seems that the commons-collections-2.1.pom file in your local maven
>> >repository may be corrupted. Try removing "C:\Documents and
>> >Settings\Administrator\.m2\repository\commons-collections" folder and
>> >retry the build.
>> >
>> >Thanks,
>> >
>> >Snjezana
>> >
>> >xuqingkang2 wrote:
>> >> Jane:
>> >> Thanks for your reply.
>> >> I hadn't modified anything in the packager module,I only build it
>> >> after download the source.
>> >> do you have any other advice?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks,
>> >>
>> >> qingkang xu
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 在2009-12-14,"Jane Young" <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM> 写道:
>> >>
>> >> xuqingkang2 wrote:
>> >>> Hi:
>> >>> I failed to rebuild Glassfish v3 according to
>> >>>
>> >>> My maven is 2.1.0 and my JDK is 1.6.0_10.
>> >>> When i "mvn -U install",build process break off due to following
>> >>> error*.
>> >>> any idea will be appreciated.
>> >>> BTW,I had a look at "v3\packager\glassfish-gui\build.xml" from
>> >>> line 41,
>> >>> Should i use the "excludeArtifactsTransitively".
>> >>> ----
>> >>> <resolveAll
>> >>> todir="target/stage/${}/glassfish/modules"
>> >>> stripVersion="true">
>> >>> <graphRef refid="all-modules"/>
>> >>> <!--excludeArtifactsTransitively>
>> >>> <artifact groupID="com.sun.woodstock.dependlibs"
>> >>> artifactId="dataprovider" />
>> >>> <artifact groupID="com.sun.woodstock" artifactId="webui-jsf" />
>> >>> <artifact groupID="com.sun.woodstock"
>> >>> artifactId="webui-jsf-suntheme" />
>> >>> </excludeArtifactsTransitively-->
>> >>> </resolveAll>
>> >>> -------
>> >> Your build is failing because you have modified the build.xml file.
>> >> Why are you doing this? I'd advice you to not modify anything in
>> >> the packager module. Since modifying the packager module may cause
>> >> unwanted artifacts or even duplicate ones with different versions
>> >> in the GlassFish distribution.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks,
>> >> Jane
>> >>
>> >>> *error message
>> >>> ----------
>> >>> [INFO]
>> >>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >>> [INFO] Building Glassfish Admin GUI Package
>> >>> [INFO] task-segment: [install]
>> >>> [INFO]
>> >>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >>> [INFO] snapshot
>> >>> org.glassfish.packager:glassfish-jdbc:3.1-SNAPSHOT: checking fo
>> >>> updates from glassfish-repo-archive
>> >>> [INFO] snapshot
>> >>> org.glassfish.admingui:console-updatecenter-plugin:3.1-SNAPSHOT
>> >>> checking for updates from glassfish-repo-archive
>> >>> [INFO] snapshot
>> >>> org.glassfish.admingui:console-community-branding-plugin:3.1-SN
>> >>> PSHOT: checking for updates from glassfish-repo-archive
>> >>> [INFO] [enforcer:enforce {execution: enforce-versions}]
>> >>> [INFO] [osgiversion:compute-osgi-version {execution:
>> >>> compute-osgi-version}]
>> >>> [INFO] [clean:clean {execution: auto-clean}]
>> >>> [INFO] Deleting file set:
>> >>> E:\NetResource\JavaEE\glassfish\v3\packager\glassfish
>> >>> gui\target (included: [**], excluded: [! ])
>> >>> [INFO] [resources:resources]
>> >>> [WARNING] Using platform encoding (GBK actually) to copy filtered
>> >>> resources, i.
>> >>> . build is platform dependent!
>> >>> [INFO] Copying 1 resource
>> >>> [INFO] [bundle:manifest {execution: bundle-manifest}]
>> >>> [WARNING] Ignoring project type distribution-base-zip -
>> >>> supportedProjectTypes =
>> >>> [hk2-jar, bundle]
>> >>> [INFO] [hk2:hk2-test-compile]
>> >>> [INFO] No sources to compile
>> >>> [INFO] [surefire:test]
>> >>> [INFO] No tests to run.
>> >>> [INFO] [antrun-extended:run]
>> >>> [INFO] Executing tasks
>> >>>
>> >>> create.package:
>> >>> Failed to parse dependencies of com.sun.woodstock:webui-jsf:null.
>> >>> trail=[
>> >>> ssfish.packager:glassfish-gui:3.1-SNAPSHOT--(compile)-->org.glassfish.admingui:
>> >>> onsole-community-branding-plugin:3.1-SNAPSHOT,
>> >>> org.glassfish.admingui:console-c
>> >>> mmunity-branding-plugin:3.1-SNAPSHOT--(provided)-->com.sun.woodstock:webui-jsf-
>> >>> untheme:,
>> >>> com.sun.woodstock:webui-jsf-suntheme:>com.
>> >>> un.woodstock:webui-jsf:]
>> >>> Downloading:
>> >>>
>> >>> sp/jstl/jstl/1.1/jstl-1.1.pom
>> >>> [INFO] Unable to find resource
>> >>> 'javax.servlet.jsp.jstl:jstl:pom:1.1' in reposit
>> >>> ry glassfish-repo-archive
>> >>> (
>> >>> Downloading:
>> >>>
>> >>> <>
>> >>> 1.1.pom
>> >>> [INFO] Unable to find resource
>> >>> 'javax.servlet.jsp.jstl:jstl:pom:1.1' in reposit
>> >>> ry central (
>> >>> Overriding previous definition of reference to all-modules
>> >>> [INFO]
>> >>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >>> [INFO]
>> >>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >>> [INFO] An Ant BuildException has occured: The following error
>> >>> occurred while ex
>> >>> cuting this line:
>> >>> E:\NetResource\JavaEE\glassfish\v3\packager\glassfish-gui\build.xml:41:
>> >>> org.apa
>> >>> he.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException: Failed to parse
>> >>> dependencies of com.
>> >>> un.woodstock:webui-jsf:null.
>> >>> trail=[org.glassfish.packager:glassfish-gui:3.1-SN
>> >>> PSHOT--(compile)-->org.glassfish.admingui:console-community-branding-plugin:3.1
>> >>> SNAPSHOT, org.glassfish.admin!
>> >>> gui:console-community-branding-plugin:3.1-SNAPSHOT
>> >>> -(provided)--> ;com.sun.woodstock:webui-jsf-suntheme:,
>> >>> com.sun.woodstock:w
>> >>> bui-jsf-suntheme:>com.sun.woodstock:webui-jsf:]
>> >>> for
>> >>> roject com.sun.woodstock:webui-jsf:null
>> >>>
>> >>> Not a v4.0.0 POM. for project
>> >>> commons-collections:commons-collections at C:\Doc
>> >>> ments and
>> >>> Settings\Administrator\.m2\repository\commons-collections\commons-col
>> >>> ections\2.1\commons-collections-2.1.pom
>> >>> [INFO]
>> >>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >>> [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
>> >>> [INFO]
>> >>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >>> [INFO] Total time: 15 minutes 18 seconds
>> >>> [INFO] Finished at: Sun Dec 13 15:25:18 CST 2009
>> >>> [INFO] Final Memory: 161M/288M
>> >>> [INFO]
>> >>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >>> E:\NetResource\JavaEE\glassfish\v3>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
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