RE: Glassfish V3, Webstart & annoying exception

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 10:57:11 -0500

could you enumerate what the signing process for app jars entails?
thanks for the comprehensive explanation

Martin Gainty
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> Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 07:18:38 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Glassfish V3, Webstart & annoying exception
> Hi,
> Are you trying to deploy the application from NetBeans 6.8? or have you started Glassfish v3 domain from NetBeans 6.8?
> I had a similar problem when I deployed an application client from NetBeans 6.8, because the IDE did a "directory deployment" (instead of deploying the EAR file). I think directory deployment of "application clients" is not supported by Glassfish v3, yet (issue:
> After that problem, the server didn't work correctly until I undeployed the application, and STOPped the Glassfish domain...
> By another side, I also had problems to launch application clients when I start Glassfish v3 from NetBeans IDE 6.8 (sometimes it worked at first, but after restarting IDE or the Glassfish server, the application client fails to launch).... So I recommend to manually start the Glassfish v3 domain (with the command "asadmin start-domain"), and deploy the application client from Glassfish administrative console in EAR/JAR formats (but not in directory format).
> In this way, I can always launch the application clients correctly ... (from Glassfish console, browser, and javaws command).
> But I don't sign the application JARs (because Glassfish server already does it for me).
> Good luck.
> [Message sent by forum member 'jmarine' (]
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