gfv3 vs gfv2 questions

From: emiddio-verizon <>
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 11:50:35 -0800

started using gfv3 with apps prev built/deployed on gfv2.1

have not done much testing so far; i have lots of apps i can test with to get familiar with gfv3.

1st app was simple ejb -- entity bean with bmp - bean managed persistence.
and a rmi-iiop client; things worked after making sure libraries were pulled from gfv3,
and not gfv2.

most of my initial use will be with using gfv3 with older technology -- j2ee1.4 type apps,
jax-rpc, etc -- to make sure i can use it for both old/new stuff

i do not see a jndi browser as part of the Admin GUI -- there was one with gfv2 ????
is there one or will there be one?

also -- i do not see a way in netbeans to choose to not use -- in place directory deployment ????
can i somehow configure non-inplace deployment ??? this question has been posted to the netbeans
j2ee users list.
