Re: Quercus 4 on Glassfish 3 - Servlet 3.0 Problem?

From: Dominik Dorn <>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 03:08:39 +0100

Ok, it seems to be a more severe problem.. i just got a
domdorn_at_camelion ~/tmp/glassfish/release/glassfishv3/bin $ ./asadmin
Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
asadmin> start-domain
Waiting for DAS to start .....................
Started domain: domain1
Domain location:
Log file:
Admin port for the domain: 4848
Command start-domain executed successfully.
asadmin> Exception in thread "domain1-StderrDrainer"
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(
    at java.lang.StringBuilder.append(

Exception... quercus filled the logfiles with the loop until around 159mb
where used by them, before it stopped...

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 1:53 AM, Dominik Dorn <>wrote:

> Ok, now i've got the same problem, because i changed the given web.xml from
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE web-app
> PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"
> "">
> <web-app>
> to
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <web-app xmlns=""
> xmlns:xsi=""
> xsi:schemaLocation="
> version="3.0">
> When I now try to deploy the app, glassfish tells me:
> Exception while deploying the app : java.lang.RuntimeException: WEB9033:
> Unable to load class with name [com.caucho.jms.queue.AbstractTopic], reason:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/jms/Topic
> and in the console I get an endless loop showing
> [#|2009-12-21T01:43:00.248+0100|WARNING|glassfishv3.0|com.caucho.util.Alarm|_ThreadID=38;_ThreadName=alarm-coordinator;|java.lang.NullPointerException
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> |#]
> [#|2009-12-21T01:43:00.248+0100|WARNING|glassfishv3.0|com.caucho.util.Alarm|_ThreadID=38;_ThreadName=alarm-coordinator;|java.lang.NullPointerException
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> |#]
> I think, this may be a problem of quercus not compatible with Servlet 3.0
> after changing the start of web.xml to
> <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC
> "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
> "" >
> <web-app>
> it works again and is restartable.
> how does your web.xml start?
> On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 10:08 PM, Dominik Dorn <>wrote:
>> I sometimes have the same issue
>> at com.caucho.util.Alarm$
>> with glassfish v3 final and quercus 4.0.2 ... I'm quite sure, its a
>> quercus error...
>> I will file a bug on quercus, when I run again into this issue (which will
>> be soon, I think)
>> dominik.
>> On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 9:06 PM, saturon <> wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I was trying a similar thing in the past, but wasnot successful, with GF
>>> 2.1:
>>> - Simple quercus app was running.
>>> - 4.0.1 : Loop of nullpointer exceptions in
>>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>>> at com.caucho.util.Alarm.extractAlarm(
>>> at com.caucho.util.Alarm$
>>> - 3.2.1: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>>> com/caucho/quercus/function/AbstractFunction
>>> Did you guys run into any of these issues?
>>> Cheers Ben
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> *From:* Dominik Dorn []
>>> *Sent:* Sonntag, 20. Dezember 2009 19:28
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* Re: Quercus 4 on Glassfish 3
>>> hi,
>>> I simply packaged my webapp as normal and deployed it to "/" through the
>>> admin-interface
>>> ( so no copying to domain1/lib or editing default-web.xml .. )
>>> Greetings,
>>> Dominik
>>> On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 1:22 AM, Serge Fonville <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm trying to setup Glassfish 3 to support PHP.
>>>> In the past I used Glassfish 2.1 with Quercus 3.1
>>>> I tried all the guides that google would tell me about.
>>>> Basically these steps were suggested
>>>> Copy all files from WEB-INF/lib to $GLASSFISH/domains/domain1/lib
>>>> edit $GLASSFISH/domains/domain1/config/default-web.xml to contain:
>>>> <servlet>
>>>> <servlet-name>Quercus Servlet</servlet-name>
>>>> <servlet-class>com.caucho.quercus.servlet.QuercusServlet</servlet-class>
>>>> <iinit-param>
>>>> <param-name>ini-file</param-name>
>>>> <param-value>WEB-INF/php.ini</param-value>
>>>> </init-param>
>>>> </servlet>
>>>> <servlet-mapping>
>>>> <servlet-name>Quercus Servlet</servlet-name>
>>>> <url-pattern>*.php</url-pattern>
>>>> </servlet-mapping>
>>>> <welcome-file-list>
>>>> <welcome-file>index.php</welcome-file>
>>>> <welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file>
>>>> <welcome-file>index.htm</welcome-file>
>>>> <welcome-file>index.jsp</welcome-file>
>>>> </welcome-file-list>
>>>> When I add a index.php to $GLASSFISH/domains/domain1/docroot
>>>> Nothing happens when I open http://localhost:8080
>>>> When I open http://localhost:8080/index.php it shows the source code
>>>> When I dropped quercus-4.0.2.war in
>>>> $GLASSFISH/domains/domain1/autodeploy and then openen
>>>> http://localhost:8080/quercus-4.0.2/ everything worked as expect.
>>>> Are there any additional things I need to do to make this work?
>>>> Thanks a lot in advance!
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Sege Fonville
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