New version of Eclipse plugin for glassfish published

From: Rochelle Raccah <Rochelle.Raccah_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 12:56:48 -0800

Version 1.0.51 of the GlassFish plugin for eclipse was published today.
Here is a link to the release notes which lists the features and bug
fixes that are included:

Even though we just published version 1.0.50 this week to correspond
with the 1.2 tools bundle, we thought it important to publish a new
version of the plugin since Eclipse 3.6 M4 was announced today and we
want to make sure GlassFish v3 is recognized as a Java EE 6 runtime.

As with previous versions, you can download it from within Eclipse using
the Update Site wizard or via Download additional server adapters link
on the New Server Wizard.

Note that if you are using Eclipse 3.5.1, you must update from the
Update Site instead of the New Server Wizard due to
(Bug that was
present in Eclipse 3.5 is fixed, but that only corrected for a first
time install, not an update)

Please send your comments to or and file any bugs in the issuetracker

We look forward to your feedback!