Re: _at_Inject + _at_ManagedBean vs _at_EJB

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 09:22:33 +0100

Do you mean @javax.annotation.ManagedBean or JSF ?
If it's the latter you should use @Resource to inject another managed
bean or keep @EJB if it's an EJB.
If you want to use JSR 299 (CDI), you should use @Named instead of
I'll admit I haven't looked into the that part of the tutorial yet,
you should look at the weld-servlet and weld-guess samples that you
can get straight from the GlassFish update center.


On Dec 16, 2009, at 23:28, Dominik Dorn wrote:

> Hi,
> I want my app to be portable with other frameworks (mainly spring
> 3.0) and thought
> it would be possible to replace the @EJB annotations with @Inject,
> but nope.. that does not work..
> whats wrong with lets say, this bean? :
> @ManagedBean
> @ApplicationScoped
> public class MemberListService {
> @Inject
> private PersonDao personDao;
> public MemberListService() {
> }
> public List<Person> findAll() {
> return personDao.findAll();
> }
> public void persist(Person person) {
> personDao.persist(person);
> }
> }
> and the bean accessing the service
> @ManagedBean
> @RequestScoped
> public class MemberListBean {
> private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MemberListBean.class);
> private List<Person> memberList;
> public List<Person> getMemberList() {
> return memberList;
> }
> public void setMemberList(List<Person> memberList) {
> this.memberList = memberList;
> }
> @Inject
> private MemberListService service;
> public MemberListService getService() {
> return service;
> }
> public void setService(MemberListService service) {
> this.service = service;
> }
> public MemberListBean() {
> }
> @PostConstruct
> void loadData() {
> System.out.println("calling postConstruct");
> log.debug("calling postConstruct");
> if (service != null) {
> System.out.println("loading personDao.findAll()");
> setMemberList(service.findAll());
> System.out.println("loaded data");
> }
> else
> {
> log.warn("PersonDAO is null!");
> }
> log.debug("poluted memberList");
> log.debug("memberlist now has " + memberList.size() + "
> items");
> }
> }
> when using @Inject instead of @EJB, the loadData() method throws a
> NPE, because service is null, althought it should be injected.
> I have created an empty beans.xml in my /WEB-INF/ dir, as explained
> in "The Java EE 6 Tutorial Volume 1"
> What am I doing wrong?
> Greetings,
> Dominik