Properties file of a Struts2 app not loading in V2

From: Bhaarat Sharma <>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 07:58:29 -0500


I have a Struts2 app in which my resides in
WEB-INF/classes. It contains the following line


mypropertyfile also resides in WEB-INF/classes. and inside the
properties file, for example, I have the following:

pdf.test.title=PDF Test

then in my jsp I use it as follows

<s:text name="pdf.test.title"/>

On the browser it shows "pdf.test.title" rather than "PDF Test"

With the same setup this problem was not there on Sun application
server 8.2. Problem started happening after we moved to GlassFish V2

I do not have access to the GlassFish server to see what settings we
have but I know that we have two clusters (nodes). I installed
GlassFish V2 locally on my machine and did not see the above mentioned
So I'm sure there is some setting on our main GlassFish Server (to
which i do not have access) that is stoping it to pick up the
properties file. Even though, i do not have access I can ask someone
to make a change.

Does anyone know of such a setting or such a scenario? This Glassfish
hosts multiple j2ee-apps and j2ee-modules.

I'd appreciate any hints