[Fwd] GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse

From: Paul Sterk <Paul.Sterk_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 18:58:26 -0800


Here is an email I received from a user who has an issue with using the
GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse with a shared network workspace.


Hi guys,

it's hard to find a contact/feedback from on your website, so please
forgive me that I post my message to you.
Please forward it to the accordant persons. Thank you!

Just made GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse
<> installations on serveral
machines that all connect to a shared network location where the
workspaces are stored (so each machine has the same workspaces without
using a version control system). As the installation directory of the
glassfish server is stored within the workspace (e.g.
the server can't be started when the GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse
<> are on different locations
on the different machines. This is hopefully not intended as it somehow
limits work with eclipse. I think the server location is rather a IDE
than a project related setting. Bundling with the project should not be
solved this way! Could you kindly care for this and consider this in
the next release of GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse
Kind Regards,