hi Ken,
thanks for your reply. Can you please clearify what is meant with:
(.jars were now processed for annotations)... "but the platform spec warns against including component classes with component-defining annotations in a library .jar since it can result in a component being defined in more than one module."
Did this mean that I need to bundle Interfaces and Bean Implementation Classes together in ONE jar?
I now believe that I currently run in exactly this situation. Before I tried to isolate the deployment problem I got this deployment error:
[#|2009-12-10T23:38:45.927+0100|SEVERE|glassfishv3.0|javax.enterprise.system.core.com.sun.enterprise.v3.server|_ThreadID=24;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Exception while deploying the app
java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot resolve reference Remote ejb-ref name=ModelServiceBean,Remote 3.x interface =org.imixs.workflow.jee.ejb.ModelService,ejb-link=null,lookup=null,mappedName=,jndi-name=,refType=Session because there are 2 ejbs in the application with interface org.imixs.workflow.jee.ejb.ModelService
And in my project I currently try to provide two separated shared jars.
+- lib/
| +- imixs-workflow-api-x.x.x.jar
| +- imixs-workflow-jee-x.x.x.jar (contains interfaces and the JPA entity beans)
| +- imixs-workflow-jee-impl-x.x.x.jar (contains EJB 3.0 Session bean implementations )
+- my_ejb_module.jar (contains ejb-jar.xml and persistence.xml and /wsdl files)
+- my_web_module.war
+- ...
One includes all the Interfaces (without annotations) and JPAs. And one jar contains the EJB Implementations (with annotations)
These libs are placed in the /ear/lib folder.
As GlassfishV2 did not parses the EJBs from the lib folder it was necessary to use an additional ejb-module with an EJB Deplyoment descriptor.
This works well and in my Open Source Project I wrote this deployment help :
Is this document wrong - and not spec conform?
The goal of the Imxis JEE Components is to provide JEE developers with a workflow EJB component which can be simply packaged along with any JEE Web application.
Can you please give me an assistance in this question. I am currently a little bit defenseless.
[Message sent by forum member 'rsoika' ]