EJBs from shared lib in glassfish 3 did not deploy

From: <>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 10:13:11 PST

I have a strange problem with an EAR containing EJBs from a shared lib placed in the /lib folder inside the ear.
The EAR deploys on Glassfish 2 with out errors.
But on Glassfish 3 deployment fails.

When I setup a simple EAR application with the following structure everything works well:
+- lib/
| +- application.xml
| +- sun-application.xml
+- my_ejb_module.jar (containing one stateless session ejb - BeanA)
+- my_web_module.war

Now I try to add a shared library with an additional EJB in the /lib folder

+- lib/
| +- sharedejbs.jar (containing one stateless session ejb - BeanB)
| +- application.xml
| +- sun-application.xml
+- my_ejb_module.jar (containing one stateless session ejb - BeanA)
+- my_web_module.war

Now when I try to deploy I got the following error message:

INFO: Instantiated an instance of org.hibernate.validator.engine.resolver.JPATraversableResolver.
INFO: Portable JNDI names for EJB EntityServiceBean : [java:global/imixs-workflow-testclient-ear-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT/imixs-workflow-testclient-ejb-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT/EntityServiceBean!org.imixs.workflow.jee.ejb.EntityService, java:global/imixs-workflow-testclient-ear-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT/imixs-workflow-testclient-ejb-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT/EntityServiceBean]
INFO: Portable JNDI names for EJB TestFacadeBean : [java:global/imixs-workflow-testclient-ear-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT/imixs-workflow-testclient-ejb-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT/TestFacadeBean, java:global/imixs-workflow-testclient-ear-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT/imixs-workflow-testclient-ejb-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT/TestFacadeBean!org.imixs.jee.testclient.TestFacade]
SCHWERWIEGEND: Exception while loading the app
org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException: Error in linking security policy for imixs-workflow-testclient-ear-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT -- Inconsistent Module State

I found a similar issue in the forum:

but this did not help me. I placed empty beans.xml files - with no effect.

Can anybody give me a hint what's going wrong here.

thanks for help
[Message sent by forum member 'rsoika' ]