Glassfish v3 - EAR/Web Service deployment failed?

From: <>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 10:15:39 PST


I have a question about the right deployment of EARs with shared libs.
My EAR which deploys successfully in Glassfish v2 can not be deployed with GlassfishV3.
I got the following error message during deployment:

SCHWERWIEGEND: wsdl file ix_modelservice.wsdl does not exist for web service WorkflowModelService
SCHWERWIEGEND: Exception while deploying the app
java.lang.RuntimeException: wsdl file ix_modelservice.wsdl does not exist for web service WorkflowModelService

I think the problem is something in my EAR layout which looks like this:

+- lib/
| +- imixs-workflow-api-x.x.x.jar
| +- imixs-workflow-jee-x.x.x.jar (contains the JPA entity beans)
| +- imixs-workflow-jee-impl-x.x.x.jar (contains EJB 3.0 Session beans)
+- my_ejb_module.jar (contains ejb-jar.xml and persistence.xml and /wsdl files)
+- my_web_module.war
+- ...

What I am doing here is that I have two shared libs in the /lib folder of the EAR.
The imixs-workflow-jee-x.x.x.jar contains a set of JPA Entity Beans, and some Interfaces
The imixs-workflow-jee-impl-x.x.x.jar contains the EJB 3.0 implementations of Session EJBs (including @WebService implementations).

The my_ejb_module.jar is an EJB Module which only contains deployment descriptors(!) and WSDL files. There are no class files included. All class files come from the shared jars in the /lib folder.
The EJB layout looks like this:

| +- wsdl/
| | +- myservice.wsdl
| +- ejb-jar.xml
| +- persistence.xml
| +- sun-ejb.xml

In glassfish V2 this EAR/EJB layout works fine. But there seems to something wrong - or out of the spec.

Is this EAR/EJB layout incorrect for JEE6? Should I place the wsdl files somewhere else to be deployable also on Glassfish V3?

Thanks for any help

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