RE: RE: Glassfish performance and crashes/lockups

From: Vincent DeschĂȘnes <>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 10:29:04 -0500

I am too new to Glassfish to help you with the http configuration option.
But I know enough to says that timeout and "unexpected end of file" are tcp related and are most likely caused by your server not being able to process all the request it receive.

It is not trivial to see if a server is overwhelmed, looking at the CPU usage is not enough. Your thread might be waiting for disk access or other ressources.

You should be able to find a configuration option to
1 - increase the backlog on the server side
2 - increase the timeout on your client side
3 - keep the http thread to a normally low value

In the console I see that for each http listener you can configure to use a thread pool. I see also a 'Request Timeout' option.
In the thread pool configuration there is a min/max working thread and max queue size.

I would increase the timeout and the queue size while keeping the max thread pool size to a low value (below 100 or 50).

Then if it is not enough to allow your server to survive to peak activity you will have to change your code to do the long processing in background instead of by the threads processing the http request.

Good luck !


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: RE: Glassfish performance and crashes/lockups

Thanks for the response!

Is the "unexpected end of file" similar to timeout issues with respect to filling up the tcp backlog?

I have been monitoring statistics and the server is not even close to being overwhelmed.

What http configuration setting controls this?
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