Re: Glassfish v2ur2 ignores my LoginModule

From: <>
Date: Sat, 05 Dec 2009 18:17:02 PST

I've been gone through the same problem. But I can't find what I've been doing wrong!

Some months ago I developed a LoginModule to a WebApplication and now I had to do the same, but it is not working. Have I forgotten something?

I am using Glasshfish 2.1.

This is my Realm class:

public class MyRealm extends AppservRealm {
        private String jaasCtxName;
        private String startsWith;
        public MyRealm() {
        protected void init(Properties props) throws BadRealmException, NoSuchRealmException {
                jaasCtxName = props.getProperty(AppservRealm.JAAS_CONTEXT_PARAM, "myRealm");
                startsWith = props.getProperty("startsWith", "123");
        public String getAuthType() {
                return "My Realm";
        public Enumeration getGroupNames(String arg0) throws InvalidOperationException, NoSuchUserException {
                List groupNames = new LinkedList();
                return (Enumeration) groupNames;
        public String getStartsWith() {
                return startsWith;

I have created a realm called “myRealm” through the admin console and mapped to the class above and set the two properties. I've also added this to login.conf file:

myRealm { required;

Here is the code for my Login Module:

public class MyLoginModule extends AppservPasswordLoginModule {
        public MyLoginModule() {
                System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>> I could never see this line in my log file! :(");
        protected void authenticateUser() throws LoginException {
                try {
                        MyRealm realm = (MyRealm) _currentRealm;
                        if (!_password.startsWith(realm.getStartsWith()) {
                                throw new LoginException("Invalid credentials.");
                        Principal principal = new PrincipalImpl(_username);
                        Set<Principal> principals = _subject.getPrincipals();
                        String grpList[] = new String[1];
                        grpList[0] = "User";
                } catch (Exception e) {

I set my web.xml to this:

        <display-name>All users.</display-name>
                <web-resource-name>Authenticated users area</web-resource-name>
                <description />
                <description>Only authenticated users.</description>
        <description />

In order to call do the authentication, I grand permission on server.policy:

grant codeBase "file:${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications/j2ee-apps/myApp/-" {

Both classes (MyRealm and MyLoginModule) are in a jar file in ${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/lib/.

And that's how I call the login (Java Server Faces used):

ProgrammaticLogin pl = new ProgrammaticLogin();
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest();
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getResponse();
if (pl.login((String) username.getValue(), (String) password.getValue(), "myRealm", request, response, true).booleanValue()) {
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