Force Shutdown Of Instance

From: <>
Date: Fri, 04 Dec 2009 09:39:58 PST

We're having a problem where several instance under nodeagent control are not stopping properly. We have to go in by hand and kill it.

Is there something that can be modified in the shutdown process to force a shutdown? I had two ideas:

1) lib/install/templates/stopserv.tomcat.template becomes instance/bin/stopserv. If I added a "kill -9 'jps etc.etc.'" to that script, it would do the right thing.....but stopserv does not seem to be called when shutdown is initiated. When (how) does this script get called?

2) There is a "force" flag in stopInstance() of How does one force a shutdown?

     * This method is used to remotly stop an instance forcibly
     * @param instanceName instance to stop
     * @param force flag for force kill or normal kill
     * @param timeout timeout before process killed forcibly
     * @throws AgentException Exception thrown if anything goes wrong with
     * stopping the instance
    private void stopInstance(String instanceName, boolean force, int timeout),r=1.30/glassfish/admin-ee/nodeagent/src/java/com/sun/enterprise/ee/nodeagent/
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