* I am using the Administrative GUI .. the JSF interface on the
browser.. I am not editing the configuration directly.. (I can , but
for now I am still trying to use the Admin GUI for that) .....
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 7:59 PM, <glassfish_at_javadesktop.org> wrote:
> Couple things to check..
> 1) Make sure and put the changes under the server-config and not the default config..
> 2) on GlassFish v2 you can only use minCompressionSize but v3 and prelude uses minCompressionSize as well as compressionMinSize... Some blogs and tutorials are not differentiating this for users.
> 3) for the compression setting "enabled" is not an option. You have either "on", "off" or "force".
> 4) You have misspelled Compressable. Please make sure that for the property names you're using all lower case, and compressableMimeType uses an "A" instead of an "I" and that you use "Type" (singular) not "Types"
> Hope that helps
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Felipe Gaścho
10+ Java Programmer
CEJUG Senior Advisor