Cannot deploy using Eclipse plugin. Jar file May be locked by another process

From: Vincent Deschênes <>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 15:09:52 -0500

If you have an application with jar file in the lib directory that are used by your application the publish will always fail (except
for the first time).
The only solution is to restart your server.

So when your server is running, each time you save a file the plugin will try to publish it and will fail whith an error like this :

Could not delete C:\glassfishv3\glassfish\domains\domain1\eclipseApps\....jar. May be locked by another process.

If there is no file in your EarContent\lib or WEB-INF\lib folder there is no problem.

I am using the pluging version 1.0.41 on Eclipse 3.4.1 and latest glassfish V3 on Windows.

I can not beleive a bug like this can exist for that long.
This is why I am asking out what solution users found to this problem.

I have found an unresolved issue here:


Vincent Deschenes