Latest nightly build for GlassFish Tools Bundle For Eclipse 1.2 is now available: (1.1.7)

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 19:31:33 -0800


The latest nightly build (1.1.7) for GlassFish Tools Bundle For Eclipse
1.2 is now available.

It contains:

   * Latest Eclipse 3.5.1 IDE with WTP Java EE support
   * JSF Facelet plugin (from the Eclipse incubator project) to help
     the JSF 2.0 developer
   * Latest GlassFish v3 Java EE 6 Build 74 pre-registered and configured
   * JavaDB sample database pre-registered and configured
   * GlassFish Plugin (1.0.41)
   * Java EE 5 and updated Java EE 6 Javadoc code completion in the Java
   * MySQL JDBC driver registered to the IDE
   * Maven m2 plugins
   * JAX-WS Metro plugin
   * GlassFish documentation
   * And optionally, a JDK 1.6. update 16

Get it from and give
us feedback. The stable 1.2 version will be available soon after the
release of GlassFish Java EE 6 v3 release.

The stable 1.1 version is still available at
