Re: Glassfish 9.1.1, cluster profile- really hates aspectj

From: <>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 04:17:06 PST


This is Vivek, want to provide some info on how to setup Glassbox,it may be useful to you.

Step 1: Download Glassbox and deploy it as .war file.
Step 2: Download commons-logging-1.1.jar and log4j-1.2.14.jar and put both of theses jars in XXX/glassfish/domains/domain1/lib/ext/
Step 3: Restart Glassfish app server and login into admin console.
Step 4: Move to Application Server>JVM Settings>Path Settings and set the System Classpath as mentioned below and click save:


Step 5: Restart the Glassfish App Server and login back to admin console.
Step 6: Move onto Applications>WebApplications and click on launch hyperlink of the glassbox.
Follow the steps as a part of glassbox installation and click on verfiy. It will ask for JVM options to be configured for glassbox install dir.
Step 7: Move on to Application Server>JVM Settings>JVM Options and add property as mentioned below:


then save it and restart the glassfish app server.
Step 8: repeat step 6, now as a part of verify, it should ask for -javaagent, then add


and save it and restart the glassfish App server and loging back to admin console.

Step 9: Repeat Step 6 and you will able to see the Glassbox monitoring screen.
[Message sent by forum member 'vivek_maheshwari' ]