Questions about new OSGI Features

From: Michael Szalay <>
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 17:34:49 +0100

Hi all

I'm very interested in the latest development of Glassfish v3,
especially concerning osgi.
I'm interested in building applications using OSGi (Declarative Services
in particular) as service layer, EJBs for security, JPA 2.0 for
persistence and JSF 2.0 as frontend layer.
Combining these technologies would provide the best platform for me ;-)

My questions:

- dochez writes in his Blog about @Resource annotation to get access to
osgi services. Will these annotations work in Managed Beans, JSR311
resources, Servlets, EJBs or are there any restrictions?
- is it possible to have access to the ejb layer out of an osgi service?

Best regards