Re: JMS Resource in Glassfish v3

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 10:58:16 -0800

Hi Batbold
In the v3 Admin Console, you should expand Resources tree node, and you
will find the JMS Resources.
Expand JMS Resources, there is the subnode: Connection Factories and
Destination Resources.
For user friendliness, if you create a JMS Connection Factory, the
console will create a pair of Connector Resource and Connector
Connection Pool for you.

I will attach a screenshot to the forum as i don't want to send a
screenshot through the email.


Batbold Bilegsaikhan wrote:
> Hi
> I need help with adding JMS Resource in Glassfish v3. Actually I was
> following the tutorial
> In this tutorial it used sun application server. But I only installed
> glassfish v3 in my machine. I go to the admin console but I can't find
> the JMS resource. There're only JDBC resource.
> So if somebody knows please help me
> Thanks in advance
> Batbold