strange welcome-files behavior...

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 13:59:44 -0700

I have a web app that user JSF 2.0 and maps all faces/* to the
FacesServlet (pretty standard stuff).

The web apps web.xml file has a welcome-file-list that has one entry...
an entry for faces/index.xhtml

If the app only has /index.xhtml, this app displays it (after being
processed by the FacesServlet..)

If there is a /index.jsp as well as a /index.xhtml, the index.jsp file
is displayed.

This seems a bit unexpected... It the server was able to default to
http://localhost:8080/CR/faces/index.xhtml when there wasn't an
index.jsp file in the app, why would it decide to use index.jsp instead
when it is present in the app.
