Re: GF 2.1.1 IMQReaderChannel WARNING

From: Nigel Deakin <Nigel.Deakin_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:09:39 +0000


Paulo Reis wrote:
> Hi Nigel,
> I got this message with glassfish running, I didn't restart it, it has been
> running for like 24 hours now.
> The MQ broker is configured to LOCAL. This exception was raised after the
> creation of a timer (8 minutes after, I don't know if they're related):
> [#|2009-10-30T08:52:06.757-0200|INFO|sun-appserver2.1] Creating timer using
> the interval value '1800000' ...
> [#|2009-10-30T08:52:06.758-0200|INFO|sun-appserver2.1] Timer 'Timer
> 45@@1256818892750@@server@@npe' was created with success! ResetTimer method
> ended!
> |#]
> [#|2009-10-30T09:00:01.692-0200|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1|javax.jms|_ThreadID
> =393;_ThreadName=iMQReadChannel-26883;_RequestID=e0d04d1f-c035-4af5-bc9f-1f3
> 371ffc847;|[I500]: Caught JVM Exception: Trying to
> read 72 bytes. Already read 0 bytes.|#]

I have only seen exceptions like this when the LOCAL broker for some reason closes the socket, causing the client
(running in Glassfish) to get an exception. Are there any entries in the broker log at about the same time?
