RE: Clean install, import key help requested

From: <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 11:44:52 -0700
If you are making a change to the keystore or changing from the s1as alias, reboot glassfish before you change the master password.
Also, note that the change-master-password command only changes the password for alias s1as.  If you are using a different alias, you need to manually change the keypass of the different alias to match the new master password.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Clean install, import key help requested
Date: Wed, October 28, 2009 10:12 am

Thanks, still 1+1 != 2 and I'm a bit unsure. Since it's on a 'play' machine, it's easy to try, then simply remove the appserver and re-install.

Reading his page is not in sync with the wiki, so I am wondering what the few steps are to remove the s1as alias and just use the new one.

When you create your .mks file using the keytool import it asks for a password. I do understand wh gf crashes on start when you use that new file as opposed to the old. I tried using the asadmin change-master-password --savemasterpassword=true command which gave an error. I used the same password for the keytool import as I did on that change-master and received the following;

/usr/share/glassfishv2/bin/asadmin change-master-password --savemasterpassword=true
Please enter the new master password>wfgfadmin
Please enter the new master password again>wfgfadmin
keytool error: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect
Enter keystore password:
CLI137 Command change-master-password failed.

yet, if I use the keytool -list, I must provide the same wfgfadmin password to show that it's correct.

So, with that I am still stuck. I am wondering if you did manage to get it working and if so, what steps were taken; ex.
1 import to new .jks file
2. overwrite keystore.jks file
3. change in admin (which one as there is a server-config and default-config)
4. stop
5. change-master before this step
6. start

Something like that really should be all it is, not what my problem is though!
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