Felipe Gaúcho wrote:
> is @Email available in the javax.validation.constraints package ??
I don't see it as a standard constraint in Bean validation API which is
what GFv3's configuration adheres to (Hibernate however has a custom one
in their impl - org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Email) .
> if yes, how to use it ?
If you wan't to avoid using hibernate's impl, it will have to be a
custom constraint. Please see JSR 303 spec guidelines/examples to create
a new annotation (it's pretty straightforward).
> what maven dependency should I use to have this constraint available ?
Depending on where you intend to use that annotation, you may have to
use this dependency:
Modules that already have dependency on hk2 config (such as
v3/admin/config-api) already have this dependency included transitively.
In that case, you would only need to make sure that the custom classes
are available to the module
> can I use it only with JSF 2 or also with the java ee ManagedBean ?
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