Glassfish - Create a JNDI Resource to be found by SOLR

From: Julian Fischer <>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 17:00:41 +0200

Hi There,

I am about to create a second SOLR instance on my glassfish server.
In order to prevent the 2nd SOLR instance to use the configuration files
of the first one I am trying
to change SOLR's home directory.

The SOLR documentation says:
Start the servlet container, passing the location of your solr home.
This may be done in a number of ways:
    * Set the java system property solr.solr.home to your solr home.
    * Configure the servlet container such that a JNDI lookup of
"java:comp/env/solr/home" by the solr webapp will point to the solr home.
    * The default solr home is "solr" under the JVM's current working
directory ($CWD/solr), so start the servlet container in the directory
containing ./solr

I cannot pass the home dir as a JVM parameter since this would affect
both instances.
So I assume that I should use the JNDI way.

My problem is that I am not really involved in JNDI and Glassfish so I
spent hours to create a valid JNDI Property
that responds to "java:comp/env/solr/home".

I tried various combinations to create a custom JNDI resource. The
resource should only be available to one of the instances.

Know my question is how to do this.
* Using the admin gui creating a JNDI resource?
* Changing the web.xml?
* Creating a second server?

Infos about the glassfish server:
Sun's open source GlassFish(TM) v2 Update 1 Application Server
Sun Java System Application Server 9.1_01

Thank you in advance for any feedback.


Julian Fischer
Geschäftsführer, ein Service der
Avarteq GmbH
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Geschäftsführer: Alexander Faißt, Dipl.-Inf.(FH) Julian Fischer
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