I¹ve tried to put on same class a stateless ejb with jaxrs and jaxws.
public class RootResource {
public String get() { return ³lol²; }
With this configuration GF says that webservice must have an interface, ok I
did that:
public class RootResource implements NullInterface {
So the app could be deployed. When tryin¹ to access the resource by REST,
jersey threw exception sayin¹:
³the object is not instance of declaring class²
So I realize that whether I take off the interface (and also the @webservice
annotation) everythin¹ works. I also tried the Resource without EJB (and
without jaxws) annotation implementing an interface and everythin¹ works.
Then, I realize the problem is within EJB+Rest+interface, its seems that
jersey cannot handle it, eg:
Public class RootResource implements NullInterface {
public String get( ) { return ³no you don¹t!²; }
Anyone can give me a hint about this problem? It¹s look like a bug to me.