Re: java.util.Vector cannot be cast to entity bean

From: Hassan Schroeder <>
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 09:40:41 -0700

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Eve Pokua <> wrote:

> I managed to get things working.
> When I change the useBean scopet to application or requestion-
> <jsp:useBean id="baleent" scope="session" class="entityJB.Baleent" />
> But then the data I want to display is a null.

? That doesn't sound like my idea of "working" :-)

> I am trying to establise why the data is a null.  It looks like data is
> not being forwarded from my servlet to my jsp. IN my servlet I have -

You seem fundamentally confused. Your code below:

>                                baleent=baleBeanRemote.findAllBales();
>                                   session.setAttribute("baleent",baleent);

:: is setting a session attribute, not "forwarding" anything.

When the JSP page is passed the request, it needs to retrieve the
attribute from the session. Changing the JSP to look for a "baleent"
*request* or *application* attribute will certainly return null unless
you're setting that somewhere else.

But this is dancing around the original problem. I'll ask again --
what does baleBeanRemote.findAllBales() return?

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------
twitter: @hassan