Re: redeploy in GF v3 duplicating apps ?

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 11:29:25 -0400

Hi, Felipe

>Every time I deploy my JSF 2.0 Glassfish creates a second copy ...
>asadmin --user=admin deploy arena-jsf20.war
>asadmin --user=admin deploy arena-jsf20.war
You should use force option to indicate this is a redeployment.

asadmin --user=admin deploy --force=true arena-jsf20.war

BTW: we will change the current behavior of the deploy command with no
--force option to avoid confusion (see recent thread on dev alias with
subject: deployment issues). The deployment will fail in that case (and
ask user to specify a different name for new deployment and use force
option if it's a redeployment) instead of assigning a new name

- Hong

>now I have two applications on my Glassfish v3b67 Administrative Console:
>1) arena-jsf20
>2) arena-jsf20_1
>what parameter should I use to redeploy the application on the same
>context, without Glassfish generating a second one ?
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