Disabling Cross Site Scripting

From: Lasitha Kodikara <>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 14:32:42 +0530

Hi All,


In our application, recently we figured out that there are some XSS (Cross
site scripting) vulnerabilities. First I was thinking of using HTML encoding
mechanism to overcome this issue. But then I figured out that we need to
display HTML tags since, we allow the users to save text formatting.


I just wrote a small function to overcome XSS, this only removes <script>
tags from the string.


Here's the code


public static String removeScriptTags(String string)


            if (string == null)


                  throw new NullPointerException(

                              "String sent to remove script tags method is


            // make sure that the all letters are in the lower case without

            // converting the

            // original string to lower case

            String tmp = new String(string);

            tmp = tmp.toLowerCase();

            if (tmp.contains("<script>"))


                  int scriptIndex = tmp.indexOf("<script>");

                  String script = string.substring(scriptIndex, scriptIndex
+ 8);

                  string.replaceAll(script, " ");



            if (tmp.contains("</script>"))


                  int scriptIndex = tmp.indexOf("</script>");

                  String script = string.substring(scriptIndex, scriptIndex
+ 9);

                  string.replaceAll(script, " ");


            return string;



Can you please let me know whether above code is sufficient or is there a
built in option in Glassfish Server to over come this.


Best Regards.



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