Fwd: [Community Leaders] Update status

From: Paul Sterk <Paul.Sterk_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 02 Oct 2009 07:42:43 -0700


There appears to have been a DoS attack on the infrastructure,
causing site outages. Tech support is continuing to implement measures
to address this issue including blocking a set of IP addresses in China,
Russia and Africa. If you think your IP address has been incorrectly
blocked, please contact me.

See below for a detailed update from Janice Wilson, Escalation Manager:

The system is back up and operational with some IP access restrictions.
Access is blocked, for now, for China, Russia and Africa. We understand that is not the solution but it
has stopped the dos attacks and has brought the system back to a very
usable state for most of the community. Please inform your project managers and/or communities in your normal
process of communication.
Below are some Q&A that may help..

Q. How do members from those countries get access?
A. For Sun employees in those countries, have them access the site via
SWAN or have them provide you with their ID and IP address outside SWAN.
For non-Sun community members that need access from those countries,
please have the members send their ID and IP addresses to you also. In
both cases forward them to me and I will get them enabled within 12
hours. I will improve this process quickly so these requests are more
automated with faster turnaround.

Q. When will the "real problem" of just blocking the problem IP
addresses be resolved.
A. We are working on a plan and I will get back to the group next week
with a date.

Q. What if I have a problem to report?
A. Open a problem in tracker. If tracker is down and/or if it is an
Outage, contact

We are working hard to improve the system availability and

Regards, Janice

Janice Roberts Wilson
Escalation Manager
DTS Engineering