Re: Glassfish v2.1 JMS stop calling consumers

From: Paulo Cesar Reis <>
Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2009 12:19:13 -0300

Hi Nigel,

Yes, u're right, I was using the wrong property name.
After fixing all of my MDB I got the same problem: My IMQ Broker stopped for
some reason but after restart the messages were there. Here goes the result
of the command lst dst when the problem happened:

Listing all the destinations on the broker specified by:

Host Primary Port
localhost 7676

         Name Type State Producers Consumers Msgs
                                                     Total Count UnAck
Avg Size
NPAlarmHandlerQueue Queue RUNNING 0 1 0 0
NPAlarmNotifierTopic Topic RUNNING 0 1 0 0
NPEventChannelTopic Topic RUNNING 0 2 0 0
NPMessageReceiverTopic Topic RUNNING 0 1 3 3
NPMessageReplyQueue Queue RUNNING 0 1 2 2
mq.sys.dmq Queue RUNNING 0 0 0 0

Successfully listed destinations.

As we can see I've got 5 stuck messages, 3 in the topic and 2 in the queue.

Glassfish couldn't stop itself 'till I restarted the IMQ broker, after that
the messages were sent successfully to consumers. Do you have any clue about
my broker stopping in the middle of the process?

Thanks for help.

On 10/8/09 9:48 AM, "Nigel Deakin" <Nigel.Deakin_at_Sun.COM> wrote:

> Paulo Cesar Reis wrote:
>> Hi Nigel,
>> Thanks for your help :)
>> I've executed the command on imq broker and for my surprise it says that no
>> durable subscription were found. I'm using the follow activation property on
>> my MDB's:
>> MessageDriven(name="xyz", mappedName="jms/xyz", activationConfig=
>> {
>> @ActivationConfigProperty(
>> propertyName="Durability",
>> propertyValue="Durable")
>> }
>> )
> It's subscriptionDurability, not Durability. I would expect that setting a
> property Durability would cause a warning in
> the Glassfish server log then the server is started. This is what I get when I
> try it (with GF 2.1.1):
> RAR8000 : The method setDurability is not present in the class :
> com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.ActivationSpec
> RAR7097: No setter method present for the property Durability in the class
> com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.ActivationSpec
> The "activation spec" config properties are documented at
> Here's an example that ought to work. Note that you *must* set all three.
> @MessageDriven(mappedName = "jms/inboundTopic", activationConfig = {
> @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "subscriptionDurability",
> propertyValue = "Durable"),
> @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "subscriptionName",
> propertyValue = "mySubName"),
> @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "clientId", propertyValue =
> "myClientName")
> })
> Nigel
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