Re: "Confidential" code?

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2009 12:58:50 -0700

Hi David,

On 10/06/09 12:49, David Fallside wrote:
> One of our attornies has asked me about confidentiality statements
> that appear in JSP code which is obtained from Glassfish and built
> into Jetty 6.1.14, specifically:
> (1) "Sun confidential" appears in
> com/sun/appserv/server/util/ which is part of the
> jsp-2.1.jar
> (2) "Sun confidential" appears in
> com/sun/common/util/logging/ which is part of the
> jsp-api-2.1.jar
> I suspect these statements are no longer intended to apply; does
> anyone know about the statements' current status and/or have they been
> discussed before (I have not been able to find such a discussion)? I'd
> appreciate any relevant information.

I already had a conversation with Jan Bartel regarding this topic
earlier today.

Turns out the copyright notices for the above files were stale/inaccurate.
I've replaced them with the CDDL/GPL copyright header that is used
the GlassFish code.

I committed the changes to the source repositories for the upcoming
GlassFish 2.1.1 and GlassFish v3 releases.



> Thanks in advance,
> David Fallside