Glassfish web service access via SSL and a cluster?

From: <>
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 15:46:28 PDT

We are running Glassfish v2.1 b60e on a linux server.

We have a web service that we have defined to only be accessible via SSL (transport-guarantee = CONFIDENTIAL).

Here are contents of the sun-ejb-jar.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sun-ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application Server 9.0 EJB 3.0//EN" "">

We can successfully access the WSDL of the web service via url:


This works fine for a stand alone (developer) glassfish installation.

Our "production" configuration has glassfish in a cluster configuration with sjsws web server (front end). When you try to access the web service WSDL it comes back with a "blank" screen (browser). Before changing the transport-guarantee to CONFIDENTIAL, the cluster configuration would respond to a http request for the WSDL but the soap:address value would come back invalid as "".

I cannot find anything different we should be doing for deploying the web service in a clustered environment.

The glassfish enterprise server admin facility (Common Tasks > Web Services > TestWS) also lists the incorrect URL for the WSDL for this web service (developer or cluster). The URL is present in my developer configuration is "" which does not work since the web service is setup to use SSL transport level security. This is a secondary issue (admin page URL being correct - but may be a symptom of the overall issue).

Any suggestions?
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