Re: JMS exception causing resending message :(

From: Nigel Deakin <Nigel.Deakin_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 23:24:24 +0100

Felipe Gaścho wrote:
> there is no mechanism in Glassfish where I can say: "stop after
> n-trials", doesn't matter what.. to preserve the server ?

If an exception is being thrown in the MDB's onMessage() method, and you're using the JMSRA resource adapter, the
redelivery of messages should be controlled by the ActivationSpec properties endpointExceptionRedeliveryAttempts and

endpointExceptionRedeliveryAttempts (default=6) specifies the "Number of times to redeliver a message when MDB throws an
exception during message delivery"

sendUndeliverableMsgsToDMQ (default=true) specifies that MQ should "Place message in dead message queue when MDB throws
a runtime exception and number of redelivery attempts exceeds the value of endpointExceptionRedeliveryAttempts"

Does this match what you are seeing?


> 2009/9/22 Felipe Gaścho <>:
>> may I force the transaction on the JMS Queue ??
>> 2009/9/22 Felipe Gaścho <>:
>>> Yes, I know.. and I will verify.. problem is: anytime any problem
>>> happens in the code, it destroy the Glassfish instance and makes the
>>> machine itself useless due to the amount of log files generated by the
>>> deadlock..
>>> Is there a way to prevent that ?
>>> I tought a try-catch(Exception) would stop the exception fall :(
>> --
>> Looking for a client application for this service: