Re: Error sending message to queue

From: <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 04:29:37 PDT

This code is trying to connect to a JNDI naming service, and is nothing to do with JMS. Whatever port that naming service is using, it won't be 7676 since that is the port used for JMS connections.

Are you running your "simple Java class" in the Glassfish application client container? If you are (and it has been configured correctly) then you should be able to create your InitialContext without specifying any properties.

Once you have obtained your InitialContext you can use it to lookup a JMS connection factory and a JMS queue from JNDI. Once you have obtained these objects you can use the JMS API to send a message.

Since 7676 is the default port for JMS connections, you shouldn't need to specify it anywhere.

[Message sent by forum member 'nigeldeakin' (]